Drinking Water Quality in Harrisonburg

You’re thirsty. You grab a glass from the cabinet, walk over to your kitchen sink, and fill ‘er up. Ever wonder what goes into that glass? An Environmental Working Group website now gives users the ability to see what chemicals and/or contaminants are in your drinking water, by searching by zip code. We did a search on 22801 — Harrisonburg’s largest zip code. Here are the results [click here for the full report]. Click on each table below to view a larger version.

If you find this disturbing, don’t! There are no cities or towns that have perfectly clean drinking water. You can always get a water filter for your faucet or fridge, but overall, our drinking water is relatively clean.

Live in a zip code other than 22801? Find out what your drinking water quality is by entering your zip code.

About Lisa Oates

Lisa is the creative mind behind The Harrisonburg Homes Team, providing streamlined content management, quality authorship, and graphic design for Harrisonblog. She's passionate about blogging, enjoying life, and a good cup of coffee.

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