Virginia Closing Costs Are Lower Than Average

The other day we reported that Virginia property taxes fare pretty well compared to the rest of the nation, and now we have more good news — Virginia closing costs are also on the low end of the scale! Researchers for a new study requested a good faith estimate for...

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Virginia Home Efficiency Rebate Program Is Open Again!

As of today at noon, the Home Efficiency Rebate Program is open again, making approximately $5 million available to those who make their existing homes more energy efficient. This seems like a lot of money (which is provided by the Department of Mines, Minerals, and Energy), but it will not...

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Virginia’s Livable Home Tax Credit Program

There is a tax credit in Virginia called the Livable Home Tax Credit, which grants up to $5,000 to folks who purchase a new accessible housing unit, or to up to 50% of cost for folks who retrofit an existing residence with accessibility features. (The limit used to be $2,000,...

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An Update on The “MID” (Mortgage Interest Deduction)

You might recall that we posted earlier this year about the Mortgage Interest Deduction and how the current Administration is trying to change this tax deduction that has been in place for over 80 years. Well, as you can imagine, this has stirred up some strong feelings from homeowners. In...

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Understanding the Transfer of Property: Closing

This is the third of a short series of posts about the transfer of property — the first was about title insurance, and the second was about tax aspects. The fourth (and final) post will be about deeds. After a contract is signed — or ratified — by both parties...

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