Electric Car Charging Station Coming to Harrisonburg

Harrisonburg residents have long been known to hold the view that taking care of our environment is very important. As such, many have started using rain barrels, compost bins, solar energy, electric cars, etc. Well, the leaders of Harrisonburg have taken notice, and in October, Harrisonburg Electric Commission (HEC) will...

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Using Solar Energy To Power Your Home

It seems like everywhere I go recently, I hear about solar energy. Installing solar panels to conserve energy is becoming more and more popular, especially since there are tax credits available, and the fact that they pay for themselves within about 15 years. If you are living in your home...

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First Step To Going Green: Find Your Carbon Footprint

Going green is a big deal, believe it or not. It is important to keep our earth clean so that future generations will be able to enjoy it as much as we have. The first step to understanding how to improve the environment around you is to find your carbon...

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6 Simple Green Tips For Your Home & Garden

Decreasing your environmental footprint is not only the “cool” thing to do these days, but it is also extremely smart. Going green can be simple and quick! If you would like to save some money and make a better impact on our planet (and who doesn’t want to do that?),...

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